iPhone Tip a Day

iPhone App Idea

Posted on: July 8, 2009

I am currently learning how to make iPhone apps (I will post a guide on how I got started learning iPhone app development and what helped me when I first started – later).

Anyone have any iPhone app ideas?

I’ve learned over the years that I learn best (any many other people do too) when I have practical projects that I’m working on. So…any suggestions?

1 Response to "iPhone App Idea"

How about an add-on for the iCal on iphone that allows you to put in events by tapping the time rather than having to go through the “plus” button routine. I would love to be able to tap, or press and hold a time slot on the day view, like 11:30am to have a new event open up AT THAT TIME! otherwise everytime I add an event I have to select a time form the default time, which compared to the old palm way is WAY TOO MANY KEYSTROKES…

just a thought…

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